The SRAP Network News Podcast is hosted by Sherri Dugger, Executive Director of SRAP (Socially Responsible Agricultural Project), and her husband Randy. Coming at you from the Dugger Family Farm in Morristown, Indiana, they will be talking about regenerative agriculture, local food systems, social and environmental justice, public health, and everything in between, including the many mobilizing efforts that Socially Responsible Agricultural Project takes on to empower communities opposing industrial agriculture throughout the U.S.
In this interview with Graham Christensen from GC Resolve, he joins SRAP's Network News Podcast to discuss the latest initiative he co-founded, called PREP (Pandemic Research for the People) Rural. We chatted about the merits of regenerative agriculture, the needed transformation of our food system, access to land for young farmers, and more.
"What we see now is a mockery of humanity. It’s not acceptable. This is a humanitarian issue (what’s going on in the meatpacking plants), and I hope everybody that tunes into this starts to pay really close attention." -- Graham Christensen, GC Resolve, Nebraska Farmers Union board member, and co-founder of PREP Rural.
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